Our Literature
As the fellowship of Sex Addicts Anonymous grew over time, the need arose for literature targeted specifically at the sex addict who still suffers. The Fellowship of SAA created our basic text, “The Green Book,” and eventually many other pamphlets & resources. Click here to discover the literature we use in the meetings at San Jose SAA.

Additional Resources
Sex Addicts Anonymous International
The International Service Organization (ISO) of SAA is the highest level of our fellowship. Not only helping Sex Addicts in Arizona but all around the globe as well.
- The site features a global meetings list for various types of meetings (In Person / Electronic such as phone)
- Group literature such as the Green Book (our basic text) and recordings of past SAA Conventions (which you can buy in individually & in bulk).
- ISO (Main Site for SAA)
- Intergroup (Arizona Site for SAA)
- Our site (Site for the San Jose SAA room)
Make a Donation
Every SAA group should be self-supporting, declining outside contributions.